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  • ggiannoccaro

Enterprise Bay

Aggiornamento: 13 nov 2023

Lat 64 ° 32.40'S; Long 061 ° 59.89'W

Another unforgettable day.

The sun has accompanied us for the whole day making the 8 hours I spent at the helm extremely pleasant.

Our destination today was Enterprise Island, halfway up the Strait of Gerlache about 45 miles from Paradise.

However, rather than sail directly to Gerlache we have chosen to cross entirely Paradise Bay and follow through Andvord Bay so as to pass by Canal Errera, another spectacular stretch of sea between the Antarctic Peninsula and the Rongè Island.

The ice for today has been clement, allowing us always to proceed without having to call for the hel of our 'rubber ice sweeper ".

The detour was providential, certainly one of the most beautiful leg of this cruise. I'm sorry I can not show you now all the photos that Valentina has taken, because it's really difficult to describe what we have before without running the risk of being repetitive.

We arrived to Enterprise Island in the early afternoon, reaching the north-eastern coast and anchoring next to a ship wreck. In the evening Alde Tasmanian, the Australian boat we had already met both at Deception and Vernadsky anchor beside us and later in the evening we saw the lights of a cruise ship anchored in the bay, a couple of miles east of our anchorage.

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