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The cruise ofthe two central weeks of August was the longest of the entire summer with over 300 miles sailed from Lesvos in the Eastern Sporades, through Skiathosand Skopellos in Northern Sporades till Mykonos in the Cyclades.

Cruise eagerly awaited because for the presence on board of my son Luca and his sweet girlfriend Maria Giulia.

With them I embarked olso Pierluigi, Betta, Rachel and Jim.

We experienced all possible weather conditions, from stormy rainy to sunny windless day.

As usual Angelique II was able to satisfy all the crew. From Pierluigi, experienced sailor, to Rachel (also known as "Wow, Mamma Mia") at her first experience on a sailboat cruise.

Two weeks have been intense and enjoyable. For me, especially from an emotional point of view.

I know Pierluigi and Betti from over 20 years, but I never had the chance to enjoy them "so intensively". They are a sweet and well-matched couple. They really filled me with attention and love and I really hope to have them on board in the, future a way to keep ties and affection with what I have left ashore.

I had not seen Luca since April 20. In these two weeks we have recovered this time. We play around each other and shared hugs, kisses and caresses which always generate imbarace around us, being Luca a kid of 22 years old!!

Yet was painful to separate with him and I really hope his studies will allow him to join me for the Atlantic crossing.

Finally Ray, one of two Australians who have joined our itinerary. He is not in the boat withus, but we have created a really great chemistry. We come from similar life experiences, even in the recent past. We have much in common. He is cultured, witty, extremely courteous and polite. We talk a lot and being a great athlete I also found a great partner for my daily workouts.

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