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  • ggiannoccaro


In contrast to the climate, the people of Normandy are very hospitable and courteous, or at least that is my experience.

I met many people in these 6 weeks and I must say that the sense of hospitality towards foreigner is a constant in all my relationships.

Really something that I never imagined at this latitude.

Courteous, helpful and always ready to help.

This has been particularly true with Gerard and Brigitte, former owners of Angelique II, a fantastic couple of other times.

They spent 4 years of their lives to the refitt the boat, which they accomplished with so much passion and love.

Gerard is a retired Bank Manager, a great sailor, a lover of rock music, very outgoing and generous.

Brigitte has a more reserved character but very stubborn and complements and supports Gerard in any activity.

They share everything, 24 hours a day. He makes a step, a step she makes. A perfect couple, who still live great complicity.

Since my arrival in Le Havre they have helped me, hosted and sustained making me feeling as part of their family.

I really hope that this friendship will continue, as I hope to have them on board and offer them the opportunity to take part in the journey to which they had to give up.

Few days ago while I was working with the installation of the new RollGen, a French gentleman approached me and had some questions on the boat. Angelique at the dock is always subject of attentions for its grandeur and aggressive appearance. We chatted a bit and of course I mentioned about my project and my next destinations.

Franck immediately told me that if I ever need an helping hand for the transfer to Turkey I could count on him.

Franck is a civil engineer who lives in Versailles.

His wife's family lives in Le Havre where he often spends weekends.

The same evening he invited me to dinner at his in-laws' house where I got to know two of his great children.

A very loving and caring father.

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