Aggiornamento: 12 set 2023
we did it!
We arrived in Sal, the first Cape Verde Island arriving from the Canaries, on October 21 at 6:00. Just in time to celebrate my birthday ashore , the second ( ..... since I've been to sea!) .
We covered 1170 miles in 5 days and 17 hours , with an appreciable average of 200 miles per day.
Our second leg in the Atlantic was different from the previous one and in truth, different from all those that I sailed far.
First of all we were really alone, except for a merchant ship met more or less halfway to Cape Verde. For the rest nothing. The radar never woke up us at night although, in the secret hope that at least he would "see " someone plow our own waters, we were increasing every night the radius of the alarm zone.
This passage was also the much more relaxed. Valentina is getting used to the idea of not seeing anything around and also she is familiarizing with those " suspicious noises " who usually put her into apprehension, especially at night.
Thus we progressively built up an atmosphere of absolute tranquility, although the sea was always pretty demanding.
We did not develop the usual attention to the " ETA " (Expected Time of Arrival). One day more or less in reaching our destination did not matter anymore .
Everyday life on board, the scenarios and the new experiences that nature gave us, were enough material to fill our days .
As usual we had our fishing lines in the water and as usual we have " found " no fish .
But the nights of 19 and 20 October, probably to reward our perseverance, good Neptune has filled our nets (those that Angelique II keep at the bow between the two hulls ) with nearly 3 kilos of delicious flying fish.
More than 1,000 crossings are waiting for us, but this certainly will stay indelible in our memories.